
로그인 검색

삼성전자, 중국 OEM 스마트폰 주문 2000만대로 늘린다

김미혜 해외통신원

기사입력 : 2022-04-28 14:23

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According to The Elec report, sources claim that Samsung plans to increase its OEM smartphone production in China by 20 million units, with a total of 70 million units this year. Samsung initially planned to manufacture the 20 million phones itself. This includes the mid-range Galaxy A04 and A04s series, the report claims. The company initially planned to produce 3.1 million units of the Galaxy A04 series in the third quarter and 8.1 million units in the fourth quarter, for a total of 8.1 million units. For the Galaxy A04s series, Samsung plans to produce 5.5 million units in the third quarter and 7 million in the fourth quarter, for a total of 12.5 million units.

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